Auckland University Of Technology Faculty

AUT is the second largest university in New Zealand. We have been a university since 2000, but a place of learning for 120 years and operate in accordance with the Education Act (1989).

Faculties and schools

Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Te Ara Pakihi, Te Ōhanga Me Te Ture
  • Business School – Te Kura Kaipakihi
  • Law School – Te Kura Ture
  • School of Economics – Matauranga Ōhanga

Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

Faculty of Culture and Society
Te Ara Kete Aronui
  • School of Education – Te Kura Mātauranga
  • School of Hospitality and Tourism – Te Kura Taurimatanga me te Mahi Tāpoi
  • School of Language and Culture – Te Kura Reo me te Ahurea
  • School of Social Sciences and Public Policy – Te Kura Pūtaiao ā-iwi me ngā Kaupapa Tūmatanui

Faculty of Culture and Society

Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies
Te Ara Auaha
  • School of Art and Design – Te Kura Toi a Hoahoa
  • School of Communication Studies – Te Kura Whakapāho
  • School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences – Te Kura Mātai Pūhanga, Rorohiko, Pāngarau
  • School of Future Environments – Huri te Ao

Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies

Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences
Te Ara Hauora A Pūtaiao
  • School of Clinical Sciences – Te Kura Mātai Haumanu
  • School of Public Health and Interdisciplinary Studies
  • School of Science – Te Kura Pūtaiao
  • School of Sport and Recreation – Te Kura Hākinakina

Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences

Te Ara Poutama

Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Development

Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Development (Te Ara Poutama)

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